Mom and daughter play blocks together.
Week 11

Early Head Start Homework

This Week

Use these activities to learn with your child every day!

Activities for Infants

Language & Literacy

Talk and Change

  1. As you go through the diapering routine, describe each step to your baby as you do them.
  2. Keep eye contact with your baby, asking and answering your own questions.
  3. Continue to respond to your baby- smile when they smile, copy any noises they make and pause so they can respond back.
  4. If your baby fusses, soothe them and talk to them about what you are doing to help.
Pencil icon.


Responding to Music

  1. Play or sing lots of different types of music for me throughout the day. Help me feel the rhythm of the music by moving to the beat when you're holding or rocking me.
  2. Introduce nursery rhymes and songs with simple hand movements (like "Itsy Bitsy Spider," "Wheels on the Bus," or any other song you like).
  3. Try using music to help me adjust to transitions in daily routines, like when I first wake up, when I'm going down for a nap, or at bedtime.
  4. When I'm fussy, try singing, humming, or turning on music.
Pencil icon.

Activities for Toddlers


Let's Go Shopping

  1. Give your child a large bag and invite them to help with a fun cleanup activity.
  2. Pretend you are shopping, and name the type of toy you want to buy (like: blocks). Ask your child to pick up all the types of toys you're "buying" from the floor and put them in the bag.
  3. Once all the toys of that type have been "bought," invite your child to help you put them away where they belong.
  4. Repeat by 'shopping' for another type of toy.
Pencil icon.

Health & Wellness

Rainbow Food

  1. Draw a rainbow (include red, yellow, orange, green, blue, and purple stripes).
  2. Bring your rainbow drawing to the grocery store. Head to the produce section.
  3. As you walk by the displays, ask your child to match the color of the fruits and vegetables to a color on the rainbow.
  4. (Optional) Let your child choose their favorite color and buy a fruit or veggie that matches that color (could be fresh, frozen, or canned).
Pencil icon.

Looking for more?

Yellow Book
Try out this Creativity activity.

Ribbon Play

Try out this Social-Emotional Learning activity.

Tears and Tantrums

Spotlight on:





This week's focus:


This week, focus on ENCOURAGE. It’s okay to make mistakes; try again!