Talk and Change
Here's What To Do
As you go through the diapering routine, describe each step to your baby as you do them.
Keep eye contact with your baby, asking and answering your own questions.
Continue to respond to your baby- smile when they smile, copy any noises they make and pause so they can respond back.
If your baby fusses, soothe them and talk to them about what you are doing to help.
Put PEER Into Action

- Once your baby is on the changing pad, smile and look into their eyes.
- "I am taking your diaper off. Now I'm putting the dirty diaper in the trash."
- "Do you see my face? Yes, you see my face and I'm talking to you!"
- Describe anything your baby does: "You are moving your feet! You love when you get a new diaper!"
- Encourage your baby to "talk" to you. Copy their sounds and babble back with silly and real words: "Ba ba bay-bee. Ba ba do dah. Baby loves mama!"
- As you finish the routine, tell your baby that you're all done. End your talk by telling your baby what you'll do next!
Not quite ready?
Even if it seems like your baby doesn't understand, they are learning how to have a conversation with you.
Ready for more?
Ask your baby to lift up their feet to help you put the diaper on. Do they understand and follow your direction?

As your child masters this skill...
They will begin to have more "conversations" with you, babbling and eventually saying simple words!