Let’s Go Shopping
Here's What To Do
Give your child a large bag and invite them to help with a fun cleanup activity.
Pretend you are shopping, and name the type of toy you want to buy (like: blocks). Ask your child to pick up all the types of toys you're "buying" from the floor and put them in the bag.
Once all the toys of that type have been "bought," invite your child to help you put them away where they belong.
Repeat by 'shopping' for another type of toy.
Put PEER Into Action

- Clap your hands 3 times when it's time to clean up.
- "Let's pretend that I'm shopping at a toy store. I want to buy all the blocks on the floor. Can you help me put them in my bag?"
- "Now I want to buy all the stuffies. Can you help me put all the stuffies in my bag?"
- Gently point out when your child makes a sorting mistake. That will help them begin to notice differences between objects.
- "Hmmm, that looks like a block to me, and I'm shopping for stuffed animals. I'm looking for something soft and cuddly. Can you try again?"
- What other parts of our house could we try cleaning up this way?
Not quite ready?
Pick up the toys one at a time, and ask your child to place them in the bag. Repeat the type of object over and over as you go.
Ready for more?
Ask your child to collect two types of toys in two different bags (i.e. blocks in one bag, dolls in another).

As your child masters this skill...
They will be able to find and match one type of object.