Mom and daughter play blocks together.
Week 4

Early Head Start Homework

This Week

Use these activities to learn with your child every day!

Activities for Infants


Count on Me

  1. Count your baby's fingers and toes, touching them one at a time while counting out loud.
  2. Kiss or tickle your baby's ears, nose, bellybutton, elbows, etc. while counting them.
  3. Repeat, counting your own fingers, toes, ears, etc.
Pencil icon.

Social-Emotional Learning

Follow Me!

  1. Place your baby on the floor sitting or lying down. Tell them you're going to play "Follow Me!"
  2. Tell your baby you're going to show them a movement, and then you'll teach them how to copy you. Example movements:
    • Clapping hands
    • Stomping feet
  3. Before you do each action, tell your baby what you're going to do.
  4. Copy the action with your baby (example: move their hands so they clap). Older babies may begin to mimic your movements on their own.
Pencil icon.

Activities for Toddlers


Let’s Shop for Numbers!

  1. Before heading to a store, make a "number shopping list"- write numbers 1-5 on a piece of paper and draw a box next to each number.
  2. When you arrive at the store, ask your child to look for each number (in aisle numbers, price signs, on packaging).
  3. When your child finds a number, ask them to color in the box next to that number on the list.
  4. Can your child find all numbers 1-5? If they do, celebrate with a high five or a silly dance! (and if they find a number more than once, they can make an additional mark on the "number shopping list")
Pencil icon.

Social Studies

My Favorite Place

  1. Take your child to a favorite place in your community.
  2. Give them a tour and describe all the things you like about that place. If appropriate, let them walk around and explore what interests them.
  3. Take photos of your child exploring the place. Or, make a few simple drawings of them in the place.
  4. When you return home, show them the photos and drawings. Talk about where you went.
Pencil icon.

Looking for more?

Yellow Book
Try out this Social Studies activity.

Who’s That in the Mirror?

Try out this Social-Emotional Learning activity.

Saying Goodbye Gets Easier

Spotlight on:





This week's focus:


REFLECT on what your child enjoyed the most.