Early Head Start Homework
This Week
Use these activities to learn with your child every day!
Activities for Infants
Count on Me
- Count your baby's fingers and toes, touching them one at a time while counting out loud.
- Kiss or tickle your baby's ears, nose, bellybutton, elbows, etc. while counting them.
- Repeat, counting your own fingers, toes, ears, etc.
Social-Emotional Learning
Follow Me!
- Place your baby on the floor sitting or lying down. Tell them you're going to play "Follow Me!"
- Tell your baby you're going to show them a movement, and then you'll teach them how to copy you. Example movements:
- Clapping hands
- Stomping feet
- Before you do each action, tell your baby what you're going to do.
- Copy the action with your baby (example: move their hands so they clap). Older babies may begin to mimic your movements on their own.
Activities for Toddlers
Let’s Shop for Numbers!
- Before heading to a store, make a "number shopping list"- write numbers 1-5 on a piece of paper and draw a box next to each number.
- When you arrive at the store, ask your child to look for each number (in aisle numbers, price signs, on packaging).
- When your child finds a number, ask them to color in the box next to that number on the list.
- Can your child find all numbers 1-5? If they do, celebrate with a high five or a silly dance! (and if they find a number more than once, they can make an additional mark on the "number shopping list")
Social Studies
My Favorite Place
- Take your child to a favorite place in your community.
- Give them a tour and describe all the things you like about that place. If appropriate, let them walk around and explore what interests them.
- Take photos of your child exploring the place. Or, make a few simple drawings of them in the place.
- When you return home, show them the photos and drawings. Talk about where you went.
Try out this Social Studies activity.
Who’s That in the Mirror?
Try out this Social-Emotional Learning activity.
Saying Goodbye Gets Easier
Spotlight on:
This week's focus: