Let’s Shop for Numbers!
Here's What To Do
Before heading to a store, make a "number shopping list"- write numbers 1-5 on a piece of paper and draw a box next to each number.
When you arrive at the store, ask your child to look for each number (in aisle numbers, price signs, on packaging).
When your child finds a number, ask them to color in the box next to that number on the list.
Can your child find all numbers 1-5? If they do, celebrate with a high five or a silly dance! (and if they find a number more than once, they can make an additional mark on the "number shopping list")
Put PEER Into Action

- Hand your child the number shopping list and something to write with, and say, “Let’s go on a number hunt!”
- "Today your mission is to find each of these numbers. Where do you see a number here in the store? Is it one of the numbers on your list?"
- "What number is this? 3, yes! Can you color the box next to the 3 on your list?"
- "You found an 8 and you're looking for a 3. 3 and 8 do look alike, but see how the 3 has two curves and an 8 has 2 circles?" Can you color the box next to the number on your list?
- "You did find a number, great job! This isn't on your list, it's a number 9."
- Are there any numbers that your child is still working on identifying? Tell them that next time you go to a store, you can try looking just for that number to get extra practice.
Not quite ready?
Try focusing on one numeral your child already recognizes instead of numbers 1-5.
Ready for more?
Look for numbers 6-10.

As your child masters this skill...
They will accurately be able to identify numerals 1-5.