Mom and daughter play blocks together.
Week 50

Early Head Start Homework

This Week

Use these activities to learn with your child every day!

Activities for Infants

Language & Literacy

My First Conversations

  1. At quiet times throughout the day (feeding, dressing, playing, or bathing), help me learn how to have a conversation!
  2. When I make a sound or babble, imitate my sound. Then pause and wait for me to make another sound in the 'conversation.'
  3. You can also respond to my sounds or babbling with sentences.
  4. Keep the conversation going- continue a few rounds of taking turns making sounds back-and-forth.
Pencil icon.

Social Studies

That's My Name!

  1. Play "peek-a-boo" with me and say my name as we play.
  2. Look in a mirror with me. Point to me in the mirror and say my name, then point to yourself and say your name.
  3. Throughout the day, use my name often.
Pencil icon.

Activities for Toddlers

Language & Literacy

Drawing a Line

  1. Tape a piece of paper to the table and let me explore making marks with crayons.
  2. Make a vertical line on the paper while I watch. Ask me to make the same line next to yours.
  3. Keep making vertical lines for me to copy in different colors.
  4. (Optional) Show me how to make vertical lines in other places, like on a chalkboard with chalk, in finger paint, in wet sand, or flattened play dough.
Pencil icon.


Trying to Sing Along with Music

  1. While we're getting dressed, commuting to school, or during bathtime, sing the same simple and repetitive songs to me. I might try to join in! Sing a favorite song from your childhood, or try one of these:
    • "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
    • "The Wheels on the Bus"
  2. Encourage me to sing by inviting me to sing into a "microphone." You could use a toy microphone, or hold an empty paper towel tube up to my mouth (it will make my singing louder).
  3. Pause while singing a familiar song and let me try to fill in the missing words or sounds.
  4. Compliment my singing efforts, no matter how off key they are!
Pencil icon.

Looking for more?

Yellow Book
Try out this Physical activity.

Learning to Roll

Try out this Creativity activity.

Play Dough

Spotlight on:





This week's focus:


REFLECT on how much your child has learned and grown this year!