Early Head Start Homework
This Week
Use these activities to learn with your child every day!
Activities for Infants
Language & Literacy
My First Conversations
- At quiet times throughout the day (feeding, dressing, playing, or bathing), help me learn how to have a conversation!
- When I make a sound or babble, imitate my sound. Then pause and wait for me to make another sound in the 'conversation.'
- You can also respond to my sounds or babbling with sentences.
- Keep the conversation going- continue a few rounds of taking turns making sounds back-and-forth.
Activities for Toddlers
Language & Literacy
Drawing a Line
- Tape a piece of paper to the table and let me explore making marks with crayons.
- Make a vertical line on the paper while I watch. Ask me to make the same line next to yours.
- Keep making vertical lines for me to copy in different colors.
- (Optional) Show me how to make vertical lines in other places, like on a chalkboard with chalk, in finger paint, in wet sand, or flattened play dough.
Trying to Sing Along with Music
- While we're getting dressed, commuting to school, or during bathtime, sing the same simple and repetitive songs to me. I might try to join in! Sing a favorite song from your childhood, or try one of these:
- "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
- "The Wheels on the Bus"
- Encourage me to sing by inviting me to sing into a "microphone." You could use a toy microphone, or hold an empty paper towel tube up to my mouth (it will make my singing louder).
- Pause while singing a familiar song and let me try to fill in the missing words or sounds.
- Compliment my singing efforts, no matter how off key they are!
Try out this Physical activity.
Learning to Roll
Try out this Creativity activity.
Play Dough
Spotlight on:
This week's focus: