Trying to Sing Along with Music
Here's What To Do
While we're getting dressed, commuting to school, or during bathtime, sing the same simple and repetitive songs to me. I might try to join in! Sing a favorite song from your childhood, or try one of these:
- "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
- "The Wheels on the Bus"
- "Old MacDonald Had a Farm"
- "Baby Shark"
Encourage me to sing by inviting me to sing into a "microphone." You could use a toy microphone, or hold an empty paper towel tube up to my mouth (it will make my singing louder).
Pause while singing a familiar song and let me try to fill in the missing words or sounds.
Compliment my singing efforts, no matter how off key they are!
Put PEER Into Action

- Turn off any background noise so we can focus on our singing.
- "Twinkle, twinkle little star… Okay your turn! Sing into the microphone!"
- "And on that farm, he had a…. (pause) What did Old MacDonald have on his farm?"
- My first "singing" will probably not be in tune, or might sound more like talking or yelling than music. I probably won't say the correct lyrics either. Encourage me, no matter what I sound like!
- I might try my own nonsense singing when I'm playing. Copy my "song" with your own voice and encourage me to keep singing.
- Am I trying to join in with singing? What songs are my favorites?
Not quite ready?
Even if I'm not able to join in, keep singing to me throughout daily routines. Eventually I will begin to sing along.
Ready for more?
Encourage me to sing more and more words in songs I know.

As your child masters this skill...
They will try to sing along with music more and more.