Mom and daughter play blocks together.
Week 46

Early Head Start Homework

This Week

Use these activities to learn with your child every day!

Activities for Infants

Language & Literacy

Talk and Change

  1. As you go through the diapering routine, describe each step to your baby as you do them.
  2. Keep eye contact with your baby, asking and answering your own questions.
  3. Continue to respond to your baby- smile when they smile, copy any noises they make and pause so they can respond back.
  4. If your baby fusses, soothe them and talk to them about what you are doing to help.
Pencil icon.


Sounds Around Me

  1. Gather some objects that make noise (like: rattle, bell, two blocks to bang together, crinkly paper, musical instrument, etc.).
  2. Hold an object out of your baby's sight and make a gentle sound with it.
  3. Describe your baby's reactions to the sound, what the sound is like, and what the sound reminds you of. Show the object to your baby.
  4. Repeat with the same object a few times, then move on to something new.
Pencil icon.

Activities for Toddlers

Language & Literacy

Paint Your Letter

  1. Spread out newspaper or a tablecloth, and set up large pieces of paper to paint on. Put a small amount of non-toxic paint in a cup. (Note: this activity can also be done with crayon, marker, or pencil).
  2. Talk about the first letter in your child's name. Practice painting (or drawing) the different parts of the uppercase letter (like: lines for "T," lines and half circles for "B"). Paint the shapes first, then ask your child to copy the shapes.
  3. With pencil or pen, write your child’s first letter on the paper. Ask your child to paint over the letter.
  4. If you and your child are having fun, practice painting the other letters in your child's name.
Pencil icon.

Health & Wellness

Keeping Me Safe When I Explore

  1. In rooms where I spend a lot of time, designate a low drawer or shelf as "mine." Put a sticker or a picture of me on the outside of the drawer.
  2. Take out things you don't want me to play with, and include things it's okay for me to play with. For example: my kitchen drawer could have bowls, wooden spoons, or plastic measuring cups.
  3. Help me learn which cabinets and drawers I should stay away from, but know that, at this age, I won't always remember or listen!
  4. Add new things to my drawers or shelves to keep me interested and engaged! I’ll be less interested in exploring those “don’t touch” places if you do!
Pencil icon.

Looking for more?

Yellow Book
Try out this Language & Literacy activity.

Homemade Books

Try out this Health & Wellness activity.

I’m So Tired!

Spotlight on:





This week's focus:


ENGAGE your child in conversation and watch their language grow!