Mom and daughter play blocks together.
Week 45

Early Head Start Homework

This Week

Use these activities to learn with your child every day!

Activities for Infants


Smell Party!

  1. Gather things with strong scents for me to smell. Examples:
    • spices (nothing peppery or too spicy)
    • condiments like mustard or peanut butter (put on a small spoon)
  2. Show me how you smell things. Hold one item up to your nose and make an exaggerated "sniffing" action.
  3. Hold the same thing up to my nose and see if I react to the smell. Describe the smell for me.
  4. Repeat with different smells until I show you that I’m done.
Pencil icon.

Social Studies

Neighborhood Walk and Talk

  1. Take your baby on a walk around your neighborhood or a shopping center.
  2. Talk about everything you see: people, buildings, animals, vehicles, and objects.
  3. Ask and answer your own questions about what you see.
  4. Say hello to familiar neighbors or community workers. Introduce them to your baby.
Pencil icon.

Activities for Toddlers

Language & Literacy

One Word Sentences

  1. When I say a word, try to figure out the "sentence" I'm trying to say with that word. Repeat my word back to me in a sentence.
  2. Try to add extra details to your sentence. This helps me learn even more words.
  3. I will say a lot of words incorrectly right now! Sometimes my "words" might be made up words, like "ba ba" for "bottle." There’s no need to correct my mistakes; repeat the word correctly in a sentence instead.
  4. Continue to describe things around me throughout the day. This helps me hear and learn more words. Soon I'll add those words to my sentences.
Pencil icon.


Dramatic Play with Dolls

  1. Gather dolls, action figures, puppets, and stuffed animals to play with. Help me find simple pretend or real props to use in my pretend play with the dolls.
  2. Encourage me to act out a certain type of scene by making suggestions. You can encourage scenes that match our real life to help me work through some of my emotions.
Pencil icon.

Looking for more?

Yellow Book
Try out this Health & Wellness activity.

Learning to Drink from a Cup

Try out this Social-Emotional Learning activity.

Hugs and Kisses

Spotlight on:





This week's focus:


PAUSE and notice the sights and sounds around you!