Early Head Start Homework
This Week
Use these activities to learn with your child every day!
Activities for Infants
Smell Party!
- Gather things with strong scents for me to smell. Examples:
- spices (nothing peppery or too spicy)
- condiments like mustard or peanut butter (put on a small spoon)
- Show me how you smell things. Hold one item up to your nose and make an exaggerated "sniffing" action.
- Hold the same thing up to my nose and see if I react to the smell. Describe the smell for me.
- Repeat with different smells until I show you that I’m done.
Social Studies
Neighborhood Walk and Talk
- Take your baby on a walk around your neighborhood or a shopping center.
- Talk about everything you see: people, buildings, animals, vehicles, and objects.
- Ask and answer your own questions about what you see.
- Say hello to familiar neighbors or community workers. Introduce them to your baby.
Activities for Toddlers
Language & Literacy
One Word Sentences
- When I say a word, try to figure out the "sentence" I'm trying to say with that word. Repeat my word back to me in a sentence.
- Try to add extra details to your sentence. This helps me learn even more words.
- I will say a lot of words incorrectly right now! Sometimes my "words" might be made up words, like "ba ba" for "bottle." There’s no need to correct my mistakes; repeat the word correctly in a sentence instead.
- Continue to describe things around me throughout the day. This helps me hear and learn more words. Soon I'll add those words to my sentences.
Dramatic Play with Dolls
- Gather dolls, action figures, puppets, and stuffed animals to play with. Help me find simple pretend or real props to use in my pretend play with the dolls.
- Encourage me to act out a certain type of scene by making suggestions. You can encourage scenes that match our real life to help me work through some of my emotions.
Try out this Health & Wellness activity.
Learning to Drink from a Cup
Try out this Social-Emotional Learning activity.
Hugs and Kisses
Spotlight on:
This week's focus: