Learning to Drink from a Cup
Here's What To Do
Give me small plastic (empty) cups to explore and play with during meals and play time. This helps me become familiar with cups before I start using them.
Make sure I'm sitting as upright as possible. Use a short plastic cup (clear if possible) that's nearly full of water.
Place the rim of the cup on my lower lip, not against my teeth and gums. Tip the cup for me so I don't have to tilt my head back. Repeat for a few sips.
Continue to help me practice cup drinking at different mealtimes.
Put PEER Into Action

- Make sure I am able to sit upright independently before beginning.
- "Let's try drinking from a cup!"
- Make sure to give me plenty of time in between sips so I can swallow.
- Respond to my interest and moods. If I'm not interested in trying a cup right now, try again another time.
- Praise me if I successfully drink water. "Yay Leo! You drank from a cup! You're learning so many things."
- Can you remember to keep providing opportunities for me to practice drinking from a cup?
Not quite ready?
If I'm not able to sit up on my own, I'm not ready to try drinking from a cup yet.
Ready for more?
Allow me to practice drinking from a cup I hold myself. Use a very small cup (like a disposable bathroom cup). Expect that there will be spills!

As your child masters this skill...
They will be able to successfully sip from a cup that you hold for them.