Early Head Start Homework
This Week
Use these activities to learn with your child every day!
Activities for Infants
Language & Literacy
Talk and Change
- As you go through the diapering routine, describe each step to your baby as you do them.
- Keep eye contact with your baby, asking and answering your own questions.
- Continue to respond to your baby- smile when they smile, copy any noises they make and pause so they can respond back.
- If your baby fusses, soothe them and talk to them about what you are doing to help.
Social-Emotional Learning
On the Floor
- Find a time when your baby is calm, alert, and ready to play.
- Lay your baby on a blanket with toys (baby toys, a scarf, board books, small bowls, a wooden spoon, etc.).
- Observe what items your child is interested in. Describe the objects and how your child is interacting with them.
- When it's time to move on to another activity (or your baby becomes unhappy) tell them how much you loved playing and what you'll do next with your day.
Activities for Toddlers
Language & Literacy
Texture Time at the Playground
- While on a trip to the playground, find different textures to do this activity. Some examples: slide, monkey bars, rubber ground covering, wood chips, grass, rocks, leaves.
- Together with your child, touch the surfaces of different playground equipment and describe the textures you notice.
- If your child is able, ask them to describe the textures of the playground equipment.
Surprise Sounds
- Gather materials: an opaque cup or box with a lid, small objects that fit inside. When your baby's not looking, put one object in the container and put the lid on.
- Shake the container so your baby can hear and see it. Roll the container on the floor and allow your child to play with it.
- Ask, pause, and answer your own questions about what could be inside. Take the lid off and show your baby what was making the noise. Let them explore and interact with the object.
- Repeat with different objects.
Try out this Creativity activity.
Fast and Slow Music
Try out this Social-Emotional Learning activity.
That’s Mine!
Spotlight on:
This week's focus: