Mom and daughter play blocks together.
Week 1

Early Head Start Homework

This Week

Use these activities to learn with your child every day!

Activities for Infants

Language & Literacy

Toy Talk

  1. Select one of your child’s favorite toys, like a stuffed animal or doll.
  2. Move the toy around and narrate what the toy's doing.
  3. Use different voices and be animated while modeling this play conversation- you can even pretend to talk as the toy if you'd like!
  4. Respond to your child's reactions.
Pencil icon.

Approaches to Learning

Where Is It?

  1. Move your face or a favorite toy behind a cover (like: your hands, a blanket, a box).
  2. Uncover your face or the toy after a few seconds so I can see, touch or play with it again. Watch to see if I keep looking at the place where your face or the toy disappeared.
  3. Repeat with different objects.
Pencil icon.

Activities for Toddlers

Language & Literacy

Learning Simple Requests

  1. Throughout the day, try asking me to complete simple tasks.
  2. Help me understand what you mean by gesturing with your arms and hands.
  3. Praise me when I respond correctly to your requests.
  4. If I don't seem to understand, help me complete the task. This will help me understand what the request means.
Pencil icon.


Water Play

  1. Fill the bathtub or set up a kiddie pool or plastic bin outside. Provide some water toys. Some household objects that are great water toys:
    • Cups, funnel, colander, small watering can, squeeze bottles
    • Sponges, washcloth
  2. Let me explore how the water interacts with the various toys. Help me figure out unfamiliar items like a squeeze bottle or funnel.
  3. (Optional) Let me add ice cubes into the water and see what happens to them.
Pencil icon.

Looking for more?

Yellow Book
Try out this Social-Emotional Learning activity.

Meeting New People

Try out this Social-Emotional Learning activity.

I Only Want You

Spotlight on:





This week's focus:


This week, focus on ENCOURAGE. It’s okay to make mistakes; try again!