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Social-Emotional Learning


Purple flower


Tips to Support Me

When I meet someone new


Meeting New People

Here's What To Do


When I meet a new person, watch my expressions to see how I feel about it. Some children will interact quickly with a new person, while others are more cautious and slow to warm up to someone new.


When I'm between 3-6 months, I won't have real stranger anxiety yet. This age is also a good time for me to start with a new childcare provider before I begin to have separation anxiety.


Encourage all family members to help in my daily care activities. Like many babies, I may have a preference for high-pitched female voices over deep male voices. I might be hesitant around men at first, but this preference will fade with experience.

Put PEER Into Action

Mother and child play together (animated).


  • Watch my expressions when I meet a new person.


  • "This is my friend! Can you say hi to my friend?"
  • "You're noticing that there's a new person here. It's your uncle Chris. He's a nice person, let's play with him!"


  • Hold me when I interact with a new person. If I let the new person hold me, stay nearby. This helps me feel safe.
  • Reassure me by smiling and nodding when I meet a new person. This helps me learn that the new person is okay to interact with.


  • Do I seem to like meeting new people?
Variable color muffin tins (animated)

As your child grows...

Their attitude toward strangers will change. It's common for stranger anxiety to develop between 5-8 months, and for children to become upset when separating from a parent between 6-10 months.

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