Here's What To Do
While I'm watching, hide a small toy or piece of food in your fist. Move your fist under a cloth, and leave the item under the cloth. Try to hide the item in a way that I can't see or hear you leaving it under the cloth.
Place your empty fist next to the cloth. Ask, "Can you find it?"
I'll probably look in your hand first. When I realize the object isn't there anymore, I should look under the cloth. If not, help me find the object. Cheer when I find it!
Repeat. Try hiding different objects, hiding objects in something other than your hand (like a small box or empty toilet paper tube), and covering objects with something besides a cloth (a large box, a blanket, in the sand, in a pocket, etc.).
Put PEER Into Action

- Make sure I'm making eye contact and looking at the object you're going to hide.
- "Do you see the cracker? I'm going to put it in my hand right here. Watch my hand."
- "Where is it? Can you find the cracker?"
- Give me plenty of searching time. Open your fist when I look toward it or touch it, and give me time to explore the cloth.
- Give me hints if needed. Lift up the cloth slightly to let me take a peek, or say, "Look under your napkin" or "Where did I hide my hand?"
- After I realized the object wasn't in your hand, did I figure out the mystery right away? Or did I need some help?
Not quite ready?
Hide an object under a cover and see if I will lift the cover to find the object.
Ready for more?
Play the game with two cloths and alternate which cloth you hide the toy under. As I get more practice with this game, I should always look under the correct cloth first.

As your child masters this skill...
They will keep trying to solve the mystery of where the object went, until they succeed.