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Purple flower

Opaque bag or box, small clothing and other items with different textures e.g. silky soft shirts and ties, bumpy socks, fluffy scarves, and rough sponges

Your Child Will Learn

How to identify clothing that feels good on their body.


Texture Mystery Bag

Here's What To Do


Place the clothing and other items in the bag or box.


Tell your child they’ll touch an item in the bag, and describe its texture or how it feels. They can also guess what the item is before pulling it out of the bag.


As they touch the item, help your child to describe how it feels by naming the texture using words like “soft,” “rough,” “bumpy” or “silky.” They can repeat the new word after you.


Ask them to name or point to the textures they like to wear.

Put PEER Into Action

Mother and child play together (animated).


  • Warm up by taking a few deep breaths together while you hug something comforting like a cushion or stuffed animal. After, ask your child how that item felt.


  • “Let’s play a mystery bag game!”
  • “You’ll touch one thing in the bag and describe its texture or how it feels. You can even guess what you think the thing is!”


  • Give your child two choices they can select from as they describe the texture. “Does it feel soft like the teddy bear, or rough like the sponge?”
  • Encourage your child to describe the texture using words like “soft” or “rough.” They can repeat these new words after you too.


  • “How do you like your clothes to feel?”

Not quite ready?

Use two types of textures at a time. Then, play with others at another time.

Ready for more?

Go on a texture hunt and ask your child to find items things that have a specific texture. For example, “Find something silky.”

Variable color muffin tins (animated)

As your child masters this skill...

They will express how different kinds of clothing and shoes feel on their body.

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