Holding Toys in Both Hands

a baby crawls on the ground

Your child will learn how to hold objects in both hands at the same time.

Hugs and Kisses

mom kisses toddler

Tips to support me as i learn how to express affection to the people i care about.

Hungry Little Crocodile

a toddler learns to play soccer with his dad

Your child will learn how to use their index finger and thumb to grip and pick things up.

Keeping Marks on the Paper

a toddler learns to play soccer with his dad

Your child will learn fine motor control when coloring or painting.

Laughs and Chuckles

big sister kisses baby's head

Your child will learn to respond to others' expression of happy emotions.

Learning to Glue

a toddler learns to play soccer with his dad

Your child will learn how to use a glue stick.

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