Here's What To Do
Print the Rhyme Bingo card to play this game.
Ask your child to look at the pictures and find two words that rhyme. When they find a pair, have them say the words out loud.
If it's a rhyming pair, have your child put an X through the words' squares (or color/mark them in another way). You can also use coins or other small objects to put on top of the squares so you can reuse the card again and again.
When they've got 5 squares in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally), they've won! (Optional: keep playing and see how many different Bingos your child can make).
Put PEER Into Action

- Give each other a high five before you begin!
- "Can you find two words that rhyme?"
- "Here's a cat, can you find a picture of a word that rhymes? What's another word that ends with the 'at' sound?"
- Encourage your child to say the words out loud so they can hear if they rhyme.
- If your child is having a difficult time, pick one word to start with. Then, give them choices of 2-3 other words on the card, and see if they can pick the rhyming word. Like: "Which of these words rhymes with pig: bed, bee, or dig?"
- Ask your child what they liked or didn't like about playing rhyming word bingo.
Not quite ready?
Say two different words from the bingo card out loud for your child, and ask if they rhyme. Repeat for as long as your child is having fun.
Ready for more?
Pick a set of rhyming words from the bingo card and see if your child can think of any more words that rhyme. Invite them to make up made-up rhyming words too!

As your child masters this skill...
To identify words that rhyme.