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Health & Wellness


Purple flower


Tips to Support Me

As I'm becoming aware of my urination and bowel movements


Pre-Potty Training Signs

Here's What To Do


Notice if the timing of my wet or dirty diapers follows a pattern. You may notice that I'm now able to stay dry for a few hours, or that I typically have a bowel movement after a meal.


Watch for any verbal or non-verbal signs that I need a diaper change. I might:

  • Hide behind furniture
  • Touch my diaper or try to take off my pants
  • Grimace or strain
  • Tell you that I've gone
  • (or something else!)

Let me know when you recognize my signs and change me right away.


Know that I'm not old enough to have voluntary control of my bowel or bladder, so I'm not ready for potty training yet.

Put PEER Into Action

Mother and child play together (animated).


  • Pause for a moment to notice the timing of my wet or dirty diapers. Write it down if you'd like to track the pattern.


  • "Yes, you made a poopie! Let's go get a nice, clean diaper."
  • "You're pulling at your diaper- did you pee? Do you need a new diaper?"


  • Praise when I tell you that I need a change. Like: "Thank you so much for telling me that you need a new diaper. That's so helpful!"
  • Reinforce that it feels good to get changed. Like: "Doesn't it feel nice to be dry?"


  • Do I seem to notice when I'm going to the bathroom?
Variable color muffin tins (animated)

As your child grows...

They will be able to anticipate their urination and bowel movements, and will develop an interest in using the toilet.

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