Pasta Pattern Necklace
Here's What To Do
Gather your materials:
- Pasta that can be used as beads (like: penne, wagon wheels, macaroni, rigatoni).
- String or ribbon small enough to fit through the pasta
- 4 colors of paint (plus plastic sandwich bags), or 4 colors of markers
Color 5 pieces of pasta with each color (20 pieces total).
- Use markers to color the pasta
- OR, pour a small bit of paint into a plastic sandwich bag. Put 5 pieces of pasta into the bag, seal it, and smush it around to cover the pasta. Let dry.
Work with your child to thread the hollow ends of the pasta pieces onto the string in a 4-color pattern.
Once the paint is dry, tie the ends of the string together for your child to wear as a necklace.
Put PEER Into Action

- Do a short pause pattern- breathe in, breathe out, stretch up, stretch down, repeat!
- "Which color do you want to start with for your necklace? Let's color 5 pieces of pasta that color."
- "Let's start our pattern by putting one of each color on the string. It goes red, blue, black, green. What color goes next in the pattern?"
- Your child may struggle with threading the pasta pieces on the string, support them by holding the string still.
- Patterns are tricky! Gently correct any mistakes, like "Hmmm, look at the other part of the necklace. What comes after green?"
- This activity has tricky pattern and motor skills. Did your child persist past any challenges?
Not quite ready?
Try the same activity with 3 colors of pasta instead of 4. Thread the pasta on the string for your child.
Ready for more?
Try a more complex pattern.

As your child masters this skill...
They will be able to extend a 4-item pattern correctly.