Parts of My Body
Here's What To Do
Use diaper or bath time to teach your child the parts of their body. Make it a game!
Point to one of your child's body parts and say its name out loud. Point to the same part on your body and repeat its name.
Try naming parts of the upper body one day and the lower body the next. Mix it up!
For older babies, ask them to find body parts like their nose and mouth.
Put PEER Into Action

- Connect with your baby and capture their attention as you get ready to play.
- Let’s start with our arms: This is Sofia’s arm, and this is Mama’s arm! And this is"Sofia's elbow. Mama's elbow!" These are your fingers and these are mine!
- Oh look, here’s your brother! "These are Oliver's ears - he has two! I also have two ears."
- If your baby makes any sounds or vocalizations, copy them and connect to what you're talking about. Like, "Ba ba ba- yes, this is my mouth."
- "Where is Emma's nose? Can you point to Emma's nose? Let me show you where Emma's nose is."
- What does your baby enjoy about this game?
Not quite ready?
Even if your baby seems like they don't understand, connecting the name for the body part with pointing/touching will help them begin to learn those words.
Ready for more?
Ask your child to point to body parts on their body or yours.

As your child masters this skill...
They will begin to understand body part vocabulary