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Language & Literacy


Purple flower

Household items or objects in the community

Your Child Will Learn

How to compare things using opposite words

Here's What To Do


Throughout the day, help give me examples of two opposite words.


Some ideas for Up/Down:

  • Say "Up" with each step we take while walking upstairs, and "Down" with each downstairs step
  • Lift me up in the air and say "up," then say "down" when you put me down
  • Say "Up" and "Down" as I play on playground equipment
  • Play "Simon Says" with "up" and "down" directions

Some other opposites you can talk about throughout the day:

  • Open/Close
  • Wet/Dry
  • Big/Little
  • Hot/Cold
  • Off/On

As I learn opposites, try asking me to fill in the blank with an opposite word. Like, "The stove is hot, ice is ___."

Put PEER Into Action

Mother and child play together (animated).


  • Make eye contact with me before demonstrating opposite words.


  • "Can we open and close the drawer? Open, close. Open, close."
  • "The washcloth is wet, your towel is dry. You are wet, I am dry."


  • The idea of an "opposite" is very abstract. Help me understand by giving me lots of real-world examples.
  • After you give me an opposites example, label them as "opposites." Like: "This doll is big. This doll is little. Big and little are opposites."


  • Do you think I have the hang of any "opposites" yet?

Not quite ready?

Keep pointing out opposites to me throughout the day. It may take me a while to understand.

Ready for more?

Help me understand more difficult opposites like first/last, fast/slow, in/out, loud/quiet, hard/soft, long/short.

Variable color muffin tins (animated)

As your child masters this skill...

They will begin to understand the concept of "opposite" and opposite words.

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