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Language & Literacy


Purple flower


Your Child Will Learn

Clothing vocabulary words


Let’s Get Dressed

Here's What To Do


Put out some of your child’s clothing on their bed, a table, or flat surface.


Pick up each clothing item and say its name as your child gets dressed.


Describe the colors and textures of the clothing and name the body part that the clothing goes on.


Encourage your child to repeat the words you're saying.

Put PEER Into Action

Mother and child play together (animated).


  • Connect with your child and say, “Let’s get dressed!”


  • Say:“what should we wear today”? Let’s start with your pants! And then we’ll put on your shirt!
  • Say, “This sweater with buttons is so soft” or “these are socks and they go on our feet to keep them warm.”


  • Acknowledge your child’s success as you get dressed together: "Thanks so much for holding your arm out for me!"
  • Your child may not respond with a full word yet. If your child tries saying part of a clothing word, repeat it! Like: "Ba ba, button! Yes, that's a button."


  • Share how things went: We named so many different textures and colors today!

Not quite ready?

If your baby isn't talking yet, keep asking and answering your own "What's this?" questions. When your baby starts talking, they'll already know the vocabulary words that match the clothes.

Ready for more?

Let your child take the lead and choose their own clothing as they name and describe it to you!

Variable color muffin tins (animated)

As your child masters this skill...

They will begin to use clothing vocabulary words when prompted by an adult.

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