Let’s Compare
Here's What To Do
Show your child the different items and ask them to compare them.
“How are these things the same, and how are they different?”
You can also do this activity while you talk with your child as they help you to do the laundry or set the table.
Put PEER Into Action

- Take a few deep belly breaths together.
- “Let’s compare these things. That means we’ll talk about how they’re the same and how they’re different.”
- Show similar items like socks that are different sizes or colors. “How are these the same? How are they different?”
- Provide clues or choices to help your child as they compare the items. “Do these socks have the same color or different colors? Are they the same size, or is one sock bigger than the other?”
- “Was it easier to compare colors or sizes?”
Not quite ready?
Use items with only one difference for comparison. For example, compare items of the same color that are different sizes, like spoons. Or, compare socks that are the same size but have different colors.
Ready for more?
Use items that are different in more than one way. For example, compare socks that are different sizes and colors.

As your child masters this skill...
They will be able to describe differences in size and colors of things that look the same.