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Social-Emotional Learning


Purple flower


Your Child Will Learn

To respond to others' expression of happy emotions.


Laughs and Chuckles

Here's What To Do


Let’s discover games that make me laugh. Here are some ideas to try:

  • Nuzzling my tummy with your face
  • Playing ‘pat-a-cake’ with my hands or feet
  • ‘Walking’ your fingers across my tummy
  • ‘Kissing’ me with a stuffed animal
  • Any other games that you discover are fun for me

Pause frequently during the game to watch for any signs of delight, or for signs that I need a break.


Another way to make me laugh is by talking to me in a silly way. Use high pitched and animated voices, and exaggerated facial expressions. See what I think is funny.

Put PEER Into Action

Mother and child play together (animated).


  • Look at me and smile really big.


  • “Ready? Here I come to boop your nose! Boop!”
  • “What do you think of this silly face? What about this one?”


  • I may need a break if I twist or look away, look worried, or start hiccuping.
  • Repeat my favorite games often to encourage me to laugh!


  • Are there any games that always make me laugh?

Not quite ready?

Keep trying silly games! I will learn to smile and laugh soon.

Ready for more?

Notice if I change my emotional expressions to react to other people's emotions. For example, do I seem upset if a sibling is crying?

Variable color muffin tins (animated)

As your child masters this skill...

They will express happy emotions and respond to others' happiness.

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