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Approaches to Learning


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Tips to Support Me

If I have difficulty transitioning between activities


Having a Tough Time with Transitions

Here's What To Do


Try to offer consistent routines when possible. This helps me naturally end one activity and prepare for the next.


Make a list of the transitions I typically need to complete in a day (like: sleeping to awakening, stopping play for mealtime, etc.). Are there any that I seem to have consistent trouble with?


Try offering a warning a few minutes before a change in activity. Ask your child's teacher if there are any special songs or routines that they use for classroom transitions and try them at home.


Despite your best efforts to ease transitions, there will still probably be times when they make me very upset. Do your best to stay calm and firm, and not give into my strong emotions.

Put PEER Into Action

Mother and child play together (animated).


  • Take a deep belly breath. If you're calm, it will be easier for you to help me through tough transitions.


  • "In a few minutes it will be time for dinner. So do one last fun thing with your cars before we have to wash our hands and eat."
  • "We just finished eating lunch, do you know what comes next? That's right, now we'll read a book and get ready for nap."


  • Acknowledge my feelings, but keep carrying on with the routine. Like: "I know it's so hard to stop playing. It's time for us to go home now, would you like to walk or scooter?"
  • It's common for children to resist bedtime. Try keeping your wind-down routine the same every night so there's no room for delay tactics.


  • Which daily transition do I seem to have the easiest time with? Why do you think that's the case?
Variable color muffin tins (animated)

As your child grows...

They will be able to transition between activities with less strong emotions.

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