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Purple flower


Subitizing Memory game 1-3

Your Child Will Learn

Recognize the number of objects in groups of one and two without counting.


Dots Memory Game

Here's What To Do


Tell your child you will play a memory game. Lay all the cards facing down on the table or countertop.


Explain that you will flip two cards and see if the number or dots on the cards match.


Flip one card and say the number out loud then flip another card and say the number. If the numbers match you get the cards, if they do not flip them back over then it's your child’s turn.


Repeat until all cards have been matched.

Put PEER Into Action

Mother and child play together (animated).


  • Invite your child to reach up high and down low and then count to five together.


  • Flip two cards over and say, “This card is ____ and this card is _____.” If the cards match, put them aside but if they do not, flip them back over.
  • As they flip, ask questions like, “Can you remember where you saw the other card with a two on it?”


  • If your child can’t recognize the number of dots on the cards, you can give them a hint, “This is the two dots. Yes, the number two.”
  • Don’t worry if your child has to count the first few times to recognize how many dots are on the card.


  • “What was the hardest part of this game?"

Not quite ready?

Let your child see the card and say “Two, I see two dots.” Repeat it with me, “one, two” and have your child touch the dots as you count them.

Ready for more?

Repeat the same activity but this time flip the cards over faster with less time to see if the numbers match.

Variable color muffin tins (animated)

As your child masters this skill...

Will start recognizing groups of two and three items without counting.

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