Can I Reach It?
Here's What To Do
Play "Can I reach it?"
- Lay me on my back and hold a favorite toy so that it is just out of my reach.
- Let me get it and play with it.
- If I can easily reach the toy, try moving it farther away.
Repeat the game while I'm sitting, in a tummy time position, or lying on my side.
If I can easily reach the toy with two hands, try holding it off to one side so I'll grab it with only one hand.
Now that I'm learning how to reach things, I might get into things I'm not supposed to. Make sure our home is childproofed by moving small, dangerous, or breakable items away from spots I can reach.
Put PEER Into Action

- Smile at me before you play "Can I reach it?"
- "Here's your doggie stuffy, can you reach it?"
- "Uh oh, your car rolled away. Can you reach it?"
- Cheer me on when I'm trying to reach something. Like: "Keep reaching, you almost have it!"
- Celebrate when I successfully get an item I'm reaching for. This is hard work for me!
- Do I try to touch things that are just out of reach? Am I able to coordinate my movements to reach my goal?
Not quite ready?
Lay me on my back and hold an object where I can easily reach it. See if I can coordinate my hands and arms to grasp the object.
Ready for more?
Encourage me to reach with one straight arm with accurate aim. Place a tower of blocks an arm's length away from me, and see if I can knock it over. Practice with both arms.

As your child masters this skill...
They will attempt to reach an object just out of their reach, and eventually will be able to successfully grab the object.