Bath Time Pretend
Here's What To Do
Tell your child that you're going to play pretend during tonight's bath time is going to be a story time.
Ask what character they'd like to be, and what character you should be.
In the role of your character, prompt your child for story details. The details can match what you're doing in the bath if you'd like.
During the next bath time, continue pretending to be that same character, or make up a brand new story!
Put PEER Into Action

- "We're going to make tonight a story bath. Are you ready to play pretend in the bath?"
- "Who do you want to be? Maybe I'm a whale that's your best friend."
- "Hello, Mia Mermaid. I'm Salty the Ship Captain. It looks like you need a bath. How did you get so dirty, Mia Mermaid?"
- Prompt your child, like: "How do you mermaids wash their tails?"
- Remember that your child isn't judging your acting performance. They will love anytime you get silly with them and make a chore into a game.
- "What did you think of playing pretend in the bath? Should we try it again tomorrow?"
Not quite ready?
Make the pretend play based on real life. For example, maybe your child is a pretend parent giving a bath to a waterproof toy baby.
Ready for more?
Play the same game for the next few days and see if your child can build on the pretend story they've already created.

As your child masters this skill...
They will create complex storylines during pretend play and will act them out with others.