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Language & Literacy


Purple flower

4 picture books or board books

Your Child Will Learn

About the parts of books and where to find them.


All the Parts of Books

Here's What To Do


Use a book that your child is very familiar with as an example to explore. As you read, explain the parts of a book like front cover, spine, title, author, illustrator, and back cover.


Spread out 3 more books and have your child point to the parts of each book.


Review the parts of a book every time you read with your child.

Put PEER Into Action

Mother and child play together (animated).


  • Settle into your special reading spot.


  • “We are always reading books, let’s discover the parts of books.”
  • "Do you know what the title of a book is? Do you know where the title is on the front cover? Let's open up the book, here's the title again! This is called the 'title page.'"


  • Encourage your child's book knowledge by saying things like: "You are such a great book explorer!"
  • Some of these words and concepts might be unfamiliar to your child at first. Practice finding the book elements on different books, and they will learn them over time.


  • Ask your child if they would like to be an author and/or illustrator of books one day?

Not quite ready?

Start by helping your child to recognize the title and author before introducing other parts of books.

Ready for more?

Ask your child to describe what an author and illustrator do, and why book titles and front covers are important.

Variable color muffin tins (animated)

As your child masters this skill...

They will be able to locate book features like the title, author, illustrator, front and back cover, and spine.

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