Head Start Homework
This Week
Use these activities to learn with your child every day!
Language & Literacy
Describing a Favorite Place
- Ask your child to think of their favorite place. If possible, go to that place or look at a picture of the place.
- Pick something in the place to talk about (like, a stuffed animal in your child's room, a swing at the park, etc.).
- Ask your child to pretend they were describing this object to someone who's never seen it before. What words would help someone know all about it?
- Continue describing other objects in your child's favorite place.
Dots Memory Game
- Tell your child you will play a memory game. Lay all the cards facing down on the table or countertop.
- Explain that you will flip two cards and see if the number or dots on the cards match.
- Flip one card and say the number out loud then flip another card and say the number. If the numbers match you get the cards, if they do not flip them back over then it's your child’s turn.
- Repeat until all cards have been matched.
Magnet Predictions
- Find a magnet (like one from the fridge). Gather a bunch of small objects made out of different materials (examples: stones, shells, coins, paper clips, aluminum foil, cotton, paper, plastic toys, other magnets).
- Ask your child to predict which objects will be magnetic. Have them sort the objects into two piles: things your child thinks will be magnetic, and things that won't be. Ask them why they sorted things this way.
- Test your child's hypotheses. Touch the magnet to each object and see if it's attracted to the magnet. If any predictions were incorrect, move the object into the correct pile.
- Does your child notice anything about the two final piles?
Try out this Physical activity.
Follow the Words
Try out this Creativity activity.
Music All Around Us
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This week's focus: