Mom and daughter play blocks together.
Week 9

Early Head Start Homework

This Week

Use these activities to learn with your child every day!

Activities for Infants

Language & Literacy

Texture Tales

  1. Find a board book with different textures your child can touch. (Or, tell a story out loud and have your child touch the textures of different household objects that match the story. For example, tell the Itsy Bitsy Spider story and rub a cotton ball on your child's arm for "spider" and sprinkle water on their face for "rain").
  2. Read the book or tell the story, and help your child feel the textures.
  3. Describe the texture and the object/animal/person the textures belong to.
  4. Repeat the same book or story a few times and continue to describe the textures.
Pencil icon.

Social-Emotional Learning

Laughs and Chuckles

  1. Let’s discover games that make me laugh. Here are some ideas to try:
    • Nuzzling my tummy with your face
    • Playing ‘pat-a-cake’ with my hands or feet
  2. Pause frequently during the game to watch for any signs of delight, or for signs that I need a break.
  3. Another way to make me laugh is by talking to me in a silly way. Use high pitched and animated voices, and exaggerated facial expressions. See what I think is funny.
Pencil icon.

Activities for Toddlers

Language & Literacy

Pointing to Communicate

  1. Play a pointing game with me. Ask me where a nearby object is, then pause and see if I'll point to it. If I don't point, point to it yourself and show me where it is.
  2. Repeat with several more objects.
  3. Throughout the day, give me choices that encourage me to point to objects.
Pencil icon.

Social Studies

Public Transport Adventure

  1. Plan a trip for your child to experience riding public transportation, like a bus, train, tram, light rail, or ferry.
  2. Describe all parts of the trip as you experience them. Tell your child where you're going and how you're getting there.
  3. If possible, sit near a window. Hold your child so they can look outside. Describe what you see out the window.
  4. Celebrate with your child when you arrive at your destination!
Pencil icon.

Looking for more?

Yellow Book
Try out this Creativity activity.

Tummy Time Art

Try out this Science activity.

Sensory Wall

Spotlight on:





This week's focus:


PAUSE and take a deep breath before you begin!