Early Head Start Homework
This Week
Use these activities to learn with your child every day!
Activities for Infants
Language & Literacy
Texture Tales
- Find a board book with different textures your child can touch. (Or, tell a story out loud and have your child touch the textures of different household objects that match the story. For example, tell the Itsy Bitsy Spider story and rub a cotton ball on your child's arm for "spider" and sprinkle water on their face for "rain").
- Read the book or tell the story, and help your child feel the textures.
- Describe the texture and the object/animal/person the textures belong to.
- Repeat the same book or story a few times and continue to describe the textures.
Social-Emotional Learning
Laughs and Chuckles
- Let’s discover games that make me laugh. Here are some ideas to try:
- Nuzzling my tummy with your face
- Playing ‘pat-a-cake’ with my hands or feet
- Pause frequently during the game to watch for any signs of delight, or for signs that I need a break.
- Another way to make me laugh is by talking to me in a silly way. Use high pitched and animated voices, and exaggerated facial expressions. See what I think is funny.
Activities for Toddlers
Language & Literacy
Pointing to Communicate
- Play a pointing game with me. Ask me where a nearby object is, then pause and see if I'll point to it. If I don't point, point to it yourself and show me where it is.
- Repeat with several more objects.
- Throughout the day, give me choices that encourage me to point to objects.
Social Studies
Public Transport Adventure
- Plan a trip for your child to experience riding public transportation, like a bus, train, tram, light rail, or ferry.
- Describe all parts of the trip as you experience them. Tell your child where you're going and how you're getting there.
- If possible, sit near a window. Hold your child so they can look outside. Describe what you see out the window.
- Celebrate with your child when you arrive at your destination!
Try out this Creativity activity.
Tummy Time Art
Try out this Science activity.
Sensory Wall
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This week's focus: