Mom and daughter play blocks together.
Week 48

Early Head Start Homework

This Week

Use these activities to learn with your child every day!

Activities for Infants

Social-Emotional Learning


  1. Play quick games of "peek-a-boo" throughout our daily routines. Some ideas:
    • When my head reappears from under my shirt during dressing or undressing
    • Playfully cover and uncover my face with my bib while I'm eating
  2. Let me play peek-a-boo! Drape a small soft washcloth over my face. Talk to me so I know you are still there, but pretend you do not know where I am. Encourage me to remove the cloth.
  3. As I play this game more and more, I may begin to participate by covering my own face or removing a cover.
Pencil icon.


Sounds Around Me

  1. Gather some objects that make noise (like: rattle, bell, two blocks to bang together, crinkly paper, musical instrument, etc.).
  2. Hold an object out of your baby's sight and make a gentle sound with it.
  3. Describe your baby's reactions to the sound, what the sound is like, and what the sound reminds you of. Show the object to your baby.
  4. Repeat with the same object a few times, then move on to something new.
Pencil icon.

Activities for Toddlers


Count and Pour

  1. Tell your child you will count together as you pour their drink.
  2. Have your child count as you start pouring their drink and stop pouring when you have counted to five.
  3. For example, say “Let’s count to five while I pour your drink.” Count at a regular pace.
  4. Invite your child to lead the counting and help you pour. Repeat until your child has the desired amount in their cup.
Pencil icon.

Health & Wellness

Playing with a Spoon

  1. During mealtime, let me practice using a spoon. At first I'll probably play with it. Then, help me guide the spoon to my mouth by placing your hand gently over mine.
  2. Use foods that stick to the spoon to encourage success (like: yogurt, mashed potatoes, or mashed banana).
  3. Offer me a pre-filled spoon. I won't know how to scoop food myself yet.
  4. Let me play with spoons during playtime. I could use a spoon to bang on a drum, dig in the sand, or enjoy using it as a teether.
Pencil icon.

Looking for more?

Yellow Book
Try out this Creativity activity.

Sensory Bottles

Try out this Health & Wellness activity.

Learning to Wash Hands

Spotlight on:





This week's focus:


PAUSE and take a deep breath before you begin!