Early Head Start Homework
This Week
Use these activities to learn with your child every day!
Activities for Infants
Social-Emotional Learning
- Play quick games of "peek-a-boo" throughout our daily routines. Some ideas:
- When my head reappears from under my shirt during dressing or undressing
- Playfully cover and uncover my face with my bib while I'm eating
- Let me play peek-a-boo! Drape a small soft washcloth over my face. Talk to me so I know you are still there, but pretend you do not know where I am. Encourage me to remove the cloth.
- As I play this game more and more, I may begin to participate by covering my own face or removing a cover.
Sounds Around Me
- Gather some objects that make noise (like: rattle, bell, two blocks to bang together, crinkly paper, musical instrument, etc.).
- Hold an object out of your baby's sight and make a gentle sound with it.
- Describe your baby's reactions to the sound, what the sound is like, and what the sound reminds you of. Show the object to your baby.
- Repeat with the same object a few times, then move on to something new.
Activities for Toddlers
Count and Pour
- Tell your child you will count together as you pour their drink.
- Have your child count as you start pouring their drink and stop pouring when you have counted to five.
- For example, say “Let’s count to five while I pour your drink.” Count at a regular pace.
- Invite your child to lead the counting and help you pour. Repeat until your child has the desired amount in their cup.
Health & Wellness
Playing with a Spoon
- During mealtime, let me practice using a spoon. At first I'll probably play with it. Then, help me guide the spoon to my mouth by placing your hand gently over mine.
- Use foods that stick to the spoon to encourage success (like: yogurt, mashed potatoes, or mashed banana).
- Offer me a pre-filled spoon. I won't know how to scoop food myself yet.
- Let me play with spoons during playtime. I could use a spoon to bang on a drum, dig in the sand, or enjoy using it as a teether.
Try out this Creativity activity.
Sensory Bottles
Try out this Health & Wellness activity.
Learning to Wash Hands
Spotlight on:
This week's focus: