Mom and daughter play blocks together.
Week 41

Early Head Start Homework

This Week

Use these activities to learn with your child every day!

Activities for Infants

Language & Literacy

Watching You Scribble

  1. While I watch you, use a dark colored crayon to write, draw, or scribble on white paper. Make big, simple marks that are easy for me to see.
  2. Dip my finger in a bowl of water and let me 'finger paint' on a dark colored piece of construction paper.
  3. Show me when older children are drawing or coloring. Describe the colors and shapes they make.
  4. Throughout the day, show me how you write things down. Talk about what you're doing.
Pencil icon.

Approaches to Learning

Exploring Your Face

  1. Help me be curious about how you and I are two separate people! When I was first born, I thought that I was part of you. Now, I will use touch to learn more about you.
  2. Encourage me to explore your face during a quiet time together.
    • Let me feel your nose, touch your glasses, rub your beard, poke your mouth, or feel your hair.
    • Wiggle your nose, raise your eyebrows up and down, open and close your eyes, stick out your tongue.
  3. Compare your face to mine when I touch to explore it.
Pencil icon.

Activities for Toddlers

Language & Literacy

Talk and Shop

  1. While shopping at the grocery store, talk about the different sections of the store as you go through them.
  2. Ask your child to name the food you're putting in the cart, and share how you might prepare that food at home.
  3. If practical, allow your child or children to hold the food items as you talk about them.
Pencil icon.

Health & Wellness

People Parts

  1. Tell your child you're going to play a game called People Parts!
  2. One at a time, ask your child to point to different body parts on their body. Ask them to find the same part on your body.
  3. Start with familiar ones (like: feet, hand, nose) and then add others your child might not yet know (ankle, hip, wrist, eyelashes, fingernails). Add new body parts each time you play this game to stretch your child’s body part vocabulary!
  4. Celebrate by "high fiving" with whatever body part your child found (if possible).
Pencil icon.

Looking for more?

Yellow Book
Try out this Science activity.

Exploring Through My Senses

Try out this Health & Wellness activity.

Testing at Bedtime

Spotlight on:





This week's focus:


PAUSE and take a deep breath before you begin!