Mom and daughter play blocks together.
Week 12

Early Head Start Homework

This Week

Use these activities to learn with your child every day!

Activities for Infants


Position Practice

  1. As you go through your day,  try to focus on using positional words when talking to your baby.
  2. Examples of positional words: above/below, in front/behind, between, next to, inside/outside, over/under, near/far, top/bottom
Pencil icon.


Contrast Pictures Tummy Time

  1. Create contrasting pairs of simple shapes on white paper with a black marker (for example: a heart, circle, square, etc.). First, draw the shape's outline only. Right next to it, draw the same shape but color it in.
  2. Place your baby on the floor on their tummy.
  3. Place the pictures on the floor where your child can see them (they can be propped upright to challenge older babies).
  4. Over time, you can create more contrasting pictures for your baby. They may be interested in different patterns, or looking at simple faces.
Pencil icon.

Activities for Toddlers


Snack Addition

  1. Put 6 small pieces of food (like cereal) on a plate. Group them into two groups of 3. Count each group out loud for your child, pointing to each piece of food as you count.
  2. Ask your child to combine the two smaller groups into one big group.
  3. Count the total of the big group, pointing to each piece of food as you count.
  4. Repeat, using different groups that add up to 6 (5+1, 4+2) . When you're done playing, eat your snack!
Pencil icon.

Approaches to Learning

Putting Tiny Things in Containers

  1. Gather a container (like a small box, plastic bowl, or food storage container) and small items (like blocks, toy plastic links, or small pieces of food).
  2. Encourage me to drop 2 or 3 items into the container before taking any out. If I can do that without taking any out, increase up to 5 or 6 objects.
  3. Let me have fun dumping the container once I've finished putting the objects in.
  4. Encourage me to drop things into containers throughout the day. Ask me to put a few toys in a box or drop bath toys into the tub.
Pencil icon.

Looking for more?

Yellow Book
Try out this Language & Literacy activity.

Relax My Body

Try out this Physical activity.

Learning to Sticker

Spotlight on:





This week's focus:


PAUSE and give your child a hug before you begin!