Early Head Start Homework
This Week
Use these activities to learn with your child every day!
Activities for Infants
Position Practice
- As you go through your day, try to focus on using positional words when talking to your baby.
- Examples of positional words: above/below, in front/behind, between, next to, inside/outside, over/under, near/far, top/bottom
Contrast Pictures Tummy Time
- Create contrasting pairs of simple shapes on white paper with a black marker (for example: a heart, circle, square, etc.). First, draw the shape's outline only. Right next to it, draw the same shape but color it in.
- Place your baby on the floor on their tummy.
- Place the pictures on the floor where your child can see them (they can be propped upright to challenge older babies).
- Over time, you can create more contrasting pictures for your baby. They may be interested in different patterns, or looking at simple faces.
Activities for Toddlers
Snack Addition
- Put 6 small pieces of food (like cereal) on a plate. Group them into two groups of 3. Count each group out loud for your child, pointing to each piece of food as you count.
- Ask your child to combine the two smaller groups into one big group.
- Count the total of the big group, pointing to each piece of food as you count.
- Repeat, using different groups that add up to 6 (5+1, 4+2) . When you're done playing, eat your snack!
Approaches to Learning
Putting Tiny Things in Containers
- Gather a container (like a small box, plastic bowl, or food storage container) and small items (like blocks, toy plastic links, or small pieces of food).
- Encourage me to drop 2 or 3 items into the container before taking any out. If I can do that without taking any out, increase up to 5 or 6 objects.
- Let me have fun dumping the container once I've finished putting the objects in.
- Encourage me to drop things into containers throughout the day. Ask me to put a few toys in a box or drop bath toys into the tub.
Try out this Language & Literacy activity.
Relax My Body
Try out this Physical activity.
Learning to Sticker
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This week's focus: