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Health & Wellness


Purple flower

1 apple, 1 beet, 1 carrot, 1 lime, (optional: small piece fresh ginger), blender or food processor, cheesecloth or sieve, vegetable peeler, knife, cutting board, bowl

Your Child Will Learn

How to prepare and enjoy a healthy food.


ABC (Apple, Beet, Carrot) Juice

Here's What To Do


Gather and wash your ingredients (1 apple, 1 beet, 1 carrot, 1 lime, optional small piece of fresh ginger).


Peel the beet, carrot, and ginger with a vegetable peeler (children can do this with help). Adults: cut the beet and carrot into slices. After an adult cuts the apple off of the core, children can cut the apple into cubes using a butter knife.


Add the beet, carrot, apple, and ginger to a blender or food processor. Add ½ cup water and blend until smooth. Strain into a bowl, using a cheesecloth (squeeze it to get juice out) or sieve (use a spoon to press out the juice). Discard the veggie pulp, or save it for another recipe.


Add lime to taste and pour into glasses with ice. Enjoy!

Put PEER Into Action

Mother and child play together (animated).


  • Wash your hands before cooking together.


  • "Can you help me peel this carrot? Hold the top with one hand, and then peel away from your body."
  • "Let's do an experiment. We can taste the ingredients before they're blended, and after they're combined."


  • It's okay if your child doesn't want to try the juice. Interacting with the ingredients makes them seem more familiar, and children will be more likely to try them next time.
  • "What do you think we could add to the ABC juice to make it taste good to you? More lime juice? Maybe a small spoon of honey?"


  • What did we think of the taste? Would we like to make this recipe again?

Not quite ready?

Children who aren't ready to peel or cut the ingredients can still help by pouring them into the blender and taste testing.

Ready for more?

Brainstorm other combinations of fruits and veggies that would make tasty juices.

Variable color muffin tins (animated)

As your child masters this skill...

They will be able to follow a recipe and express their food preferences.

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