Snack Addition
Here's What To Do
Put 6 small pieces of food (like cereal) on a plate. Group them into two groups of 3. Count each group out loud for your child, pointing to each piece of food as you count.
Ask your child to combine the two smaller groups into one big group.
Count the total of the big group, pointing to each piece of food as you count.
Repeat, using different groups that add up to 6 (5+1, 4+2) . When you're done playing, eat your snack!
Put PEER Into Action

- High five before you begin!
- "Can you move the two groups together so it's one big group?"
- "We had 3 in one group and 3 in the other group. How many are there all together? Let's count."
- Encourage your child to count along with you if they're not ready to count on their own yet.
- "You're working hard to practice addition. Let's celebrate by eating these snacks."
- What else could we use to practice addition, besides snacks?
Not quite ready?
Start with 4 snack pieces instead of 6.
Ready for more?
Ask your child to count the snacks by themselves, before and after you combine the groups.

As your child masters this skill...
They will understand that groups of objects can be combined into a bigger group.
Snack Addition with Malikk
Check out Acelero Learning families trying this PEER activity at home!