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Purple flower

clear cup and water

Your Child Will Learn

How to count from 1 to 5.


Count and Pour

Here's What To Do


Tell your child you will count together as you pour their drink.


Have your child count as you start pouring their drink and stop pouring when you have counted to five.


For example, say “Let’s count to five while I pour your drink.” Count at a regular pace.


Invite your child to lead the counting and help you pour. Repeat until your child has the desired amount in their cup.

Put PEER Into Action

Mother and child play together (animated).


  • Find a space where your child can see you pour their drink and take one big deep cleansing breath together.


  • “Let’s try counting faster while I pour. Do you want more? Should we count again?”
  • “Let’s try counting slowly while I pour your drink. Ooooo-nnnnne, tttttt-woooooooo, thhhhhh-rrrrr-eeee, ffffffff-ooooooo-uuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr, ffffffffff-iiiiiiiii-vvvvvvvvve.”


  • “Three comes after four…Let’s start over and count a little slower.”
  • “Why don’t you repeat after me – when I say “one”, then you say one. When I say “two”, you say “two”.


  • “What are some other activities that we can do while we count?"

Not quite ready?

Focus on counting from one to three.

Ready for more?

Try counting up to 7 or 8.

Variable color muffin tins (animated)

As your child masters this skill...

They will be able to count to five with ease as they go about their daily lives.

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